Saturday, December 17, 2011


 Jacob Waterdale proposed to his girlfriend live on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" Thursday, but, in an uncomfortable twist, the proposal was rejected.
Between sobs, his girlfriend, Jodie, cried out "I can't!" and "I'm sorry!"
But Ellen's reaction -- awkward laughter -- made viewers question whether or not the proposal was a prank.
Reports are that the proposal was indeed a hoax, and says "Jacob Waterdale" is actually an "Ellen Show" staffer who helped with a prank last year.
Ellen's YouTube page offers only this confusing explanation: "[The propsal] didn't seem to be going too well, but thankfully, it was the 12 Days of Giveaways!" Maybe the sting of rejection was relieved by the knowledge that Ellen would soon be showering her audience with gifts? Perhaps. But it's hard to tell if the "Ellen Show" proposal was a prank, given the awkwardness of the real-life failed proposals in our slideshow below.