Let's start each weekend with a show worth getting out of bed for. Tune in Saturday's from 10am-2pm LIVE on C91.3fm. Join Chantel on a journey as we strive to live our best lives. Let's get inspired by awesome events and meet worthy women who are creating a brighter tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
It's A Girl ????
Since finding out the great news that we were expecting, I have had dream after dream that I delivery a little boy!
Two weeks ago Andrew and I begged our OB to check the sex of our little one, We just couldn't wait till the 19 week scan and she was happy to check.
We searched high and low for some evidence our little one was a boy.. after a while it became clear that it was a lost search and it was announced we'd be having a precious little girl { our second }
We felt happy and excited to hear the news and although a boy would have been nice we knew we had everything we needed already for another little princess in the house.
I spend hours wide eyed during the night unable to sleep, hearing the OB tell me over and over in my head " You are having a boy you know"
I would quickly tell myself how silly that was and to stop thinking it.
Today was my 19 week scan, we went in confident hopeful our little girl would be healthy and everything would get the tick of approval... well we got an extra tick today called a Penis!
I could not believe my ears and as I looked over to Andrew with his hand over his mouth in shock the room went silent and then we irrupted into laughter.. the kind that starts when you are truly in a state of shock.
Fool me once fool you twice.
I insisted the OB check again and again till she could prove this mysterious Penis actually existed.
She confirmed it with a 100% guarantee and went on the print out a picture to take home of this infamous Penis!
It's a boy.. we are having a boy!
I am lost, confused and overwhelmingly joyful all at once.
I also feel under prepared, so many new questions to answer.
To circumcise or not?
Do we need to repaint the babies room?
Is it ok to wear Taylor's pink baby clothes for a while or must I buy blue?
Is it wrong not to use my husband's passed down middle name on my son?
Do I change a boy's nappy the same way I would a girl?
Well I don't have the answers, I'm sure if I passed the questions about between family and friends they would all have an opinion, but I will just take it one day at a time.
Tomorrow I will go shopping to purchase my first ever piece of baby boy clothing.
I can't wait!
Welcome to our family our little Prince, I can't wait to meet you.
Love your Mummy.